I’m a Registered Nurse, locally and Internationally. I always thought that I wanted to be a nurse for one reason: to TAKE CARE OF THE SICK and HELP THE POOR. Because it is true, that being a Nurse is a calling. The compensation wasn’t the deal breaker, that’s what I thought. As a novice nurse, I was full of dreams and admiration for other nurses who work selfishly and tirelessly for others, especially the sick. The feeling is rewarding when the patient starts to feel better and extends their unending appreciation for taking care of them. To feel appreciated and help to save someone’s life every day is what I thought was my purpose in life.
After continuously working in both combined major and minor areas for 8 years. I realized that I was overworking. I’m always tired, have no social life, do not have enough sleep, and the compensation is not enough to have the life that I want. It is not healthy for my growth and health development. I am missing a lot in my life that I can’t bring back anymore because time is not on my side.
Every day became a real struggle, I told myself I needed to get out and find a better opportunity overseas so I could give my best and function well. So I worked in the Middle East.
Did it solve my needs? Still a NO.. financially yes, but culturally speaking it was different and more challenging. Maybe just like every one of you reading right now, you are also wanting to have a better career with good pay to support yourself and especially if you have a family that depends on you. A place that is safe and secure for your children’s future. When considering working overseas, you are looking for a place where you can bring your family and established a fresh start for security and bright future. And to finally live in a dream that you work hard for so many years.
Nurses are globally in demand. But the shortage is also a great concern everywhere. According to the International Council of Nurses, by the year 2030, a shortage of 13 million nurses is required to bridge the gap globally. So if you are asking yourself, where will you be 5 years from now? Then you must know the answer. The Philippines and India heavily rely to supply nurses globally. That is right, They need you! They need us. The Goal should be clear now for you. Career-wise, balanced lifestyle, bright future for the family, and decent compensation. Be a USRN, PASSED THE NCLEX!
As an NCLEX Passer, it will give you access to the opportunity to work in countries where it is accepted; USA, UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NETHERLANDS, IRELAND, and NEW ZEALAND.
The door of opportunities is wide open for you to choose. So now maybe you will ask me how to take the NCLEX. Was the exam similar to my local licensure exam? What should I need to know, to make sure I passed? How should I prepare? How much will it cost me? If I fail, can I retake it? Will it be the same process?
Let me tell you something, if passing the NCLEX is easy peasy then foreign nurses are all over in any of the countries I mentioned above. It wasn’t easy, it was costly and sometimes it can be tedious to process the documents just to get the eligibility from your chosen BON.
I experienced all the setbacks, I almost gave up. The failure was too depressing, the amount of time and money I spent was gone and I had to start a new one.
While facing and understanding my failure, where did I go wrong? What else should I do and not do? I just realized that it wasn’t just me who was facing the same dilemma. I understood the concept, I was getting high scores and passing every assessment test, and the confidence building in me that I would do it again. Then boom.. The reality hits that it is not my time again.
So I changed my study habits and applied the 3 C’s that was very helpful to me and I guaranteed that if you also apply it for yourself when you take your exam, you will be confident leaving the testing center with the high chance of passing and you will be counted as one of those who said, the exam was easy and it’s all about common sense. Was the test really easy? I don’t think so, but one thing I can say for sure, they know how to be a safe nurse.
As your fellow Nurse, remember that the 4 years you spent to gain your BSN degree resulted from your hard work to achieve your greatest dream. But it didn’t stop. We will continue to aim higher and work harder. Don’t let all the setbacks stop you, don’t let the failure define you.
Cheers to Success,
Shine Sj, BSN-USRN